Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It has been WAY too long! Lots of catching up!

I know it has been over a month since I last posted but I have been extremely busy for the past couple of weeks! I am going to attempt to catch up today so here goes:

At the beginning of April my sweet sisters and friends offered to get all of our friends and wedding party together to celebrate me and Jared's (I like to refer to him as handsome) long awaited engagement! Our friends Amanda and Blake offered to host at their house and we cooked out, played some pool, did some dancing, and soaked in the hot tub! It was so good to have everyone together and I seriously had the time of my life! I had not seen some of our friends in awhile so it was good to catch up! Thank you soo much Sarah, Caitlin, Jackie, Kelly, Amanda, and Blake!!!
Here is a picture of some of the girls:

Ok...Whats Next?!

The main reason why I have been so busy is because I have been on a mission to find a teaching job for the Fall! I have been to several job fairs and job fair interviews but so far I have not really heard anything back!

When I first graduated from college I was really not sure what I wanted to do with my life so I decided to get alternatively certified to teach elementary school! I was still not sure I wanted to do that but after getting my current job working for SMU teaching reading in Fort Worth I have realized that I really really want to teach! So lately I have really been concentrating on making sure that happens! I have been updating my resume and applying everywhere so please pray that I hear something soon!

I am not going to lie I have been really stressed out about this whole job situation! The main reason why I am stressed out about it is because Jared and I need to figure out where we are going to live when we get married! The main problem is since we don't know exactly where my job will be we cant start looking for a house! I know our wedding is still eight months away but if we are going to buy a house we will need to start looking and dealing with that sooner rather than later! So please keep me in your prayers!!

On a lighter note.....:)

This past weekend Handsome and I packed up for the weekend and went back to Stephenville for a Texas Country Music Festival! Besides the fact that I think I am getting too old to "camp" for three days we had a blast!!!! This year we got to stay in a camper so it was really not that bad! Jared's best friend, Jonathan and his wife Shelly came as well as my friend Jackie! Seriously I cannot tell you how much fun we had! It was really good to see lots of people from Stephenville that we had not seen in awhile plus listen to some GOOD music!
Please Excuse the hair in these pictures! It was soooo windy!

Me and Handsome:)

I saved the best for last!

About two weeks ago I was sitting in my car about to go into one of my schools when I heard the guy on the radio say " Caller number 20 wins a pair of GEORGE STRAIT tickets to his sold out concert at the NEW Cowboys stadium!" Yes people GEORGE STRAIT! and not just George but Reba McEntire will also be there!!! This concert sold out in an hour and I won two tickets! HA! I am sooo excited about this you have no idea! When I heard the radio DJ saying to call I immediately started calling! I seriously think I called about 30 times before it finally started ringing! I thought he was going to tell me that the concert was over and to quit calling but when he told me that I had won I told him to shut up! ha!

Well that is some of what is happening around here! I am sure I will think of some more things to update later! This weekend my very good friends Kelly and Joseph are getting married!!! I am sooo excited! Even though I was supposed to be about ten pounds lighter and ten shades darker by this time I think it is going to be a great weekend! I will be sure to put up some pictures when we get back!

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