Monday, June 25, 2012

Baby Brittain Bumpdate

Well I have said it over and over again and it looks like I will be saying it again today. I am terrible at keeping this thing updated! The last month has been very busy! I am finally done with school and summer school so I feel like I will have time to keep this thing updated. Before I got pregnant I said that I would always keep an update on how my pregnancy is each week so that I could have it to look back on. Yeah not so much. I never thought that I would be as sick as I was and that took away all desire to do a weekly pregnancy post. ALL of my spare time was spent either in the bathroom, couch, or in bed! I am soo happy that I can say I am now past the morning sickness stage and I actually feel pretty good! I did try to at least get a picture every week. I have missed two weeks so far and while that bugs me, I have also come to terms with it. So here are my bump pics from weeks 20-25. I am not even going to pretend that I remember everything from weeks 20-24 so I am just going to update on week 25!

I missed week 21! :( 

How far along: 25 Weeks

Size of baby: According to the she is the size of a cauliflower!

Gender: It's a Girl! Emerson Ryan Brittain

Total weight gain: I went to the doctor last Wednesday, and I had gained back the 8 pounds I lost plus about 4 pounds. Not too bad so far! :)

Movement: Yes! She moves around a lot! She is especially active at night which I hope that does not mean she will be awake all night when she comes out!

Sleep: Sleeping great! Can't get enough of it! I usually have to get up once a night and go to the bathroom, but I don't think that is that bad!

What I miss: Nothing really. I miss being able to walk around for a couple of hours and not feel so tired and crampy. Other than that, I am just soooo thankful that I am not sick anymore!

Cravings: I don't think I really have any cravings. I thoroughly enjoy sweets, but I enjoyed them before I got pregnant too! I did have the little chocolate donuts 4 days in a row for breakfast if you want to call that a craving!

Symptoms: Occasional tingling in my hands when I am sleeping, a little bit of swelling in my feet at the end of the day.

Maternity clothes: Everything in the pictures above are my normal clothes besides the jeans. I have a few maternity shirts, but for the most part just wearing normal clothes. I am starting to run out of shirts that are long enough. I want to look cute, but I really hate spending money on clothes I will only be wearing for a few more months!!

Best moments this week: Hearing her heartbeat at my doctor's appointment! And getting a lot done in her room! It is going to be adorable!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to have another blogger friend! Wish I knew how follow your blog...I don't see a follow button on your page. You can view ours at I'm not too great at posting and keeping up...I'd much rather just read everyone elses!! : )
