Sunday, November 13, 2011

Random 100

I saw on a few other blogs that people are posting 100 random things about yourself. I loved doing this on facebook so I going to do it again on here!

As of 2011 the 100 most random things about me are:

1. I am a hypochondriac.  Of course this is self diagnosed but if I EVER here about some sort of illness...I immediately think I have it. If I ever have a weird pain I automatically think it is something bad.

2. I have been married for almost 2 years exactly! Love you Jerry! :)

3. I am still really sad that my wedding is over. I think about that almost every day and sometimes I get teary eyed.

4. I only like to write with blue pens unless it is a fun colored pen!

5. I am a 5th grade teacher. I love it so much more than middle school!

6. I have 4 sisters and one brother.

7. I have a major sweet tooth. I love all sweets!

8. I love reality television. All of it!

9. I am weirdly obsessed with airports. I don't know why but I really like driving by and looking at the planes wondering where they are going and if they are going somewhere fun or somewhere sad or somewhere for work.

10. I love going on vacation. LOVE IT!

11. Even if I don't actually go on vacation I still like getting on Expedia and researching how much it would be if were WERE to go on vacation.

12. I have two pups. Petey and Cooper. Petey is a Dachshund and Cooper is a Chiweenie.

14. My favorite all time smell is spiced cider. yum!

15. I am usually bad with money and want to blow it the minute I get some but if I actually get on a kick of saving then it kills me to even spend a dime. I like seeing how much I can save.

16. I love little babies and everything that comes along with them-noises, clothes, shoes!

17. Jared and I met at a bar in Stephenville, Texas.

18. I am NOT a morning person. Never have been and never will be.

19. My weakness is pretty stationary! I am obsessed with it.

20. I really love anything monogrammed. I love seeing my name spelled out on something.

21. I am not really a technology buff but I really like having the latest and greatest.

22. I really don't like sleeping in the same bed as anyone else other than Jared.

23. My favorite restaurant is Subway. I could probably eat there at least 3-4 times a week if Jared would let me.

24. It bothers me when celebs and people I know tell other people that they love them. Like people that obviously they don't. Why would you tell a stranger that you love them? I think that it's just weird.

25. I like carbonated water. Got this from my dad!

26. I love blogging.

27. I love getting the mail. It sucks that it's mostly bills but I still like getting it every day.

28. My favorite color is pink. All Shades.

29. I love when it rains. ESPECIALLY if it is a Saturday or a Sunday and I don't have to drive to work in it.

30. Sometimes I think about the things I would like to change about my wedding.

31. I make strange faces when people are talking to me.

32. I turn red very easily.

33. It really bothers me that I turn red.

34. I have been really self conscious of my skin color for the past 8 years. Its white. I'm learning to love it.

35. I do not like driving.

36. I have great parents that are still married.

37. I have fab in laws!

38. I like to ask weird personal questions to friends.

39. I love talking with Jared about what we would do if we won the lottery. I always feel like I might.

40. I like decorating my house.

41. I love shopping.

42. The ONLY time I ever feel like I would be happy to be single is when I think about decorating my bedroom. Jared won't let me have a white bed. :(

43. I like scratching my head. I have done this since I was little. One time my 4th grade teacher told my mom that she thought I had lice. I didn't I just like a good scalp massage! ;)

44. I used to drive an Astro van.

45. I love sitting in a hot tub even if it is hot outside.

46. I love hotel rooms and I always jump at the chance to stay at one.

47. I like to dance ridiculously when I am alone, then I laugh out loud at myself about it.

48. I wish I could sing.

49. I am shy until I get to know you.

50. I always get offended when people tell me that I am shy. I don't know why.

51. I hate public speaking but I LOVE the feeling I get after I am done. Its like an adrenaline rush.

52. I love reading!! I could spend hours curled up with a good book!

53. House Hunters is one of my favorite shows. I love looking into people's houses.

54.  One time I won a contest at a baseball game and the prize was that I got to sing the National Anthem. I declined.

55. I think I have restless leg syndrome. I guess this might go under #1.

56. I stare at my engagement and wedding ring at least 20 times a day. I love it.

57. I am obsessed with facebook.

58. I feel like I know celebrities. And that if given the chance I think some might like to be friends with me.

59. I like driving around looking at houses.

60. Fall is my all time favorite time of the year.

61. I told Jared that I loved him first. His reply was "Thank You"

62. My favorite holiday is Valentines Day. I love love and I think this day is just perfect!

63. I like trying to be organized.

64. I enjoy having yard sales. I think they are really fun!

65. Music is a large part of my life.

66. I have the same birthday as my mother in law! It must have been fate!!!:)

67. I have a cute niece and nephew!

68. I like dressing up but I hate wearing heels.

69. I am not really using my college degree. I had to go back and get certified to be a teacher.

70. I like watching sporting events live. Not so much on tv.

71. I have a great group of girlfriends that I know I could count on for anything!

72. I like winter clothes better than summer clothes.

73. I hate being cold but I love when it snows.

74. I cant wait to have a baby!

75. I love the smell of a new car.

76. I pay attention to street names and decide if I like them or not. I then decide if I would move to that street based on what the name is.

77. I am always running late. This is a terrible habit and I do not know how to break it. Even if I am running on schedule I tell myself that I still have time so I slow down and then end up becoming late.

78. I love Apple products. Now that I have several I can not see myself buying others!

79. I walk on the insides of my feet.

80. Until recently, I had only spent the night alone a few times.

81. When I talk about something Jared has said I like to say it in his "voice" :)

82. I am addicted to Pinterest.

83. I like being crafty but I am not very patient so it usually looks kind of crappy when I am finished with it.

84. I do not like coffee.

85. I like to eat left overs cold.

86. I have to have the tv on when I go to sleep.

87. I for some reason like to sell my stuff at yard sales and get new stuff. Jared gets seriously annoyed by this because I do it to his stuff too!

88. I like to watch either King of Queens, Friends, Two and a Half Men, or That 70s show before I go to sleep.

89. I watch Fox 4 News in the morning as I am getting ready. I base how far I am running behind on their line up. If they are playing Facebook Friend of the day and I am still doing my hair, I am in bad shape! :(

90. I hate working out but I love the feeling after I am done.

91. I always say I am going to go in to Target and only buy one thing but never leave with less than 50 dollars spent.

92. I am very nostalgic.

93. I am not a salesman. I tried selling Mary Kay. It did not work out well. I gave all my clients 50% off so i did not make a dime!

94. I hate deleting emails.

95. I love sleeping in clean sheets. I always feel like I rest better!

96. I would rather text than talk on the phone unless I am driving!

97. I love going to the movies!

98. I love the Twilight Saga!

99. I talk to myself! :)

100. Other people's lives interest me. I think that is why I love blogging and reality tv!

Well there it is. 100 random facts about me. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be!

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