Several people have said that the best time to get a 3D sonogram is during weeks 27-28, so Jared and I decided to pay the money and go see what our angel looked like at Stork Vision. It was so worth the money and I would not mind going back again! I was nervous because last time we saw her in 3D at 16 weeks she resembled a hairless cat. They said that was completely normal, but I was still a little nervous (don't worry I would love her no matter what and be happy if she still looked like a cat as long as she was healthy!) As soon as the tech switched it to 3D I got a little teary eyed. She looked like a real baby. She is so precious and sweet. I cant get over her little lips.
This picture is my favorite. She looks so sweet and innocent. Just like her mom! :) I seriously can not wait until she is here so I can pinch those sweet cheeks! Only 10 more weeks!
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3 days ago
So cute!!! I want to get a 3d ultrasound but Cody just wants to wait and see her in person...I understand where he is coming from but I'm not sure I can hold out!