Current Job: Reading Teacher
Originally From: Richmond, Virginia
Siblings: 4 Sisters and 1 Brother plus an "Adopted" Brother
Natural Hair Color: Brownish, reddish, blondish!
Mountains or Ocean: ocean!!!
Sports Car or SUV: Probably SUV
Favorite TV Show: Little People Big World, The Hills, Biggest Loser, Real Housewives, One Tree Hill, John and Kate plus 8, Friends, Greys Anatomy, Two and a Half Men
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Fast Food: Chick-fil-a.
How Many Times Did You Fail Your Permit/Drivers Test:Never
Pens or Pencils? PENS! I only like to write with Blue pens!!
Driver or Passenger: Passenger
Favorite Actor/Actress: Resse Witherspoon and Jude Law.
Favorite Movie: Any Chick Flick! The Holiday is probably my favorite!
Pop or Soda: Soft Drinks?!
Tea or Coffee: Love the smell of coffee...hate the taste. I only like home made Ice Tea
Hand shake or Hug: Depends on who they are. But probably Hug
Magazines or Books: Both! I love to read!
3 Personality Traits: Funny, Caring, Sensitive
Any other random facts?: I have extremely curly hair that I straighten every day and I am completely addicted to sweets!
4 Lessons Learned
3 days ago